Through one of our various Proprietary Fund partners with an appetite for certain types of projects and businesses, very wealthy investors will be given the chance to review your project/business. If they like it, they may offer a mix of equity (risk capital) and debt (against sinking fund and insurance guarantees) under certain terms.
In certain instances, the contribution of the project owner may be reduced to some 4-5% of total required capital, which is the largely the cost of the required insurance structure to protect the debt financiers and some legal fees.
This funding type is most often temporarily enhanced with an investment-based funding structure with pre-agreed and (third-party) institutionally guaranteed returns.
Contact us if you believe your project might qualify.
CMW's specialist partners are seasoned Asset Managers, who engage with qualified Clients directly to discuss and structure Client-tailored solution suggestions after receiving the Client's Formal Request via a General Submission Set.
Contact us in the first instance via our contact form, or by email